Feed & Supplements
Dynavyte Egusceed
Hippo Health Pine & Pollen
Pine & Pollen supports a normal immune response to desensitise against local airborne allergens such as pine and grass pollens.
Hippo Health Joints Plus
Joints Plus – Equine supports horses experiencing stiff, sore or inflamed joints
Hippo Health Grass Allergy - Equine
Grass Allergy – Equine is a natural remedy for horses that experience hay fever-like symptoms such as itchy welts, irritability, and lethargy when exposed to summer grasses.This popular homeopathic remedy can be used long term to support a normal immune response to grass allergens.Safe, non-toxic & 100% natural.Suitable for long term use.Equestrian Competition & Racing safe (not swab-able).
Thermometer/Moisture Hay/Grain Monitor
Moisture content testing from 5% to 30% in a simpler way.
Digestive VM
Equilibrium Mineral Mix
Vetpro Performance Support Airways
This is a nutriceutical supplement for horses that are involved in strenuous fast work, such as racing, eventing, hunting and active fast training where the horse may be asked for high speed sustained over a distance.It is of particular assistance to horses who are in recovery from an airways virus and returning to training.
VetPro Thiamine Vit B1
Equine Herb Chaste Tree