Fiber Boost+ 20kg
Boost+® contains a comprehensive vitamin and
mineral premix so it can now be fed as a complete
feed taking out the guesswork and need for
additional supplements.
Fiber Fresh Boost+® is a specifically
formulated feed comprising of freshly cut
Lucerne and kibbled Barley, mixed in the
correct proportions, of fibre:grain being a
2:1 ratio by weight.
This ratio is ideal to increase saliva
production, slow intake, increase digestion
and metabolism of both the grain and
fibre portion, plus maintains healthy
gut function and hydration. The unique
process of controlled fermentation of the
Barley enhances its starch digestibility.
Fresh cut Lucerne and kibbled Barley to
optimise digestive health
Builds top-line and condition
Superior protein and amino acids for
young growing horses
Contains all essential vitamins and
minerals for a complete feed