Duwell Flax Seed Oil



From $59.99

  100% New Zealand Cold Pressed FlaxSeed Oil.  No artificial ingredients.  Contains the highest level of plant based omega 3 Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) essential for performance and health. Ensures healthy skin, coat, hooves, joints and cardiovascular system.  Promotes overall health and condition.Provides a great source of cool energy.Calorie dense so grain portion of diet can be reduced. Feeding Tips Introduce oil to diet gradually e.g if 1 cup per day is required, start with ¼ cup and increase gradually over 12-14 days.Fat is a cool energy source – creates less "fizzy behaviour” and lowered heat waste during digestion.Oil is calorie dense - 1 Cup (250ml or 230g) of oil contains the same amount of digestible energy as 6 cups (750g) of whole oats.